California: Supporting the Student by Supporting the School.

One of the largest and most complex school districts in the United States faced significant budget challenges. The district was in need of special education supervisors, training resources, and leadership coaching. When it struggled to overcome these challenges on its own, it turned to EBS for solutions.

“We needed to provide a lot of services with very few resources. The investment we made in EBS was small in comparison to what we got in return.” - Director

EBS analyzed the area’s labor market and determined that a shortage of qualified applicants necessitated a broader geographic search for educators and therapists. With its comprehensive support, training, mentorship and compensation programs, EBS was able to attract therapists and teachers from surrounding suburbs and offer relocation assistance and licensure support to out-of-state therapists interested in district opportunities.

To ensure training needs were met, EBS implemented ongoing programs for continuing education (CEUs) and training for the district’s entire Special Education Program. Leadership coaching was provided for principals and individualized training for special education teachers to improve effectiveness, student outcomes, and foster sustainable growth.

Through this partnership EBS was able to:

  • Increase the quality of Special Education services despite significant budget constraints.
  • Improve retention rates by offering district leadership and staff more opportunities for growth through training and mentorship initiatives.
  • Increase continuing education compliance by providing timely instruction according to position requirements.